Bob Ross ® Soothing Mountains Oil Painting with Tracey Leigh CrozierBob Ross ® Soothing Mountains Oil Painting with Tracey Leigh CrozierDemain à 18:00Kensington Art Supply & Instruction • Calgary, ABÀ partir de 99,75 CA$Kensington Art Supply2.3k abonnésEnregistrez Bob Ross ® Soothing Mountains Oil Painting with Tracey Leigh Crozier dans votre collection.Partagez Bob Ross ® Soothing Mountains Oil Painting with Tracey Leigh Crozier avec vos amis.
Let's get Creative with Coloured Pencils with Sherry TelleLet's get Creative with Coloured Pencils with Sherry Telledim., mars 23, 09:30Kensington Art Supply & Instruction • Calgary, ABÀ partir de 131,25 CA$Kensington Art Supply2.3k abonnésEnregistrez Let's get Creative with Coloured Pencils with Sherry Telle dans votre collection.Partagez Let's get Creative with Coloured Pencils with Sherry Telle avec vos amis.
Drawing: Introductory Drawing and Colour Theory with Ralph TempleDrawing: Introductory Drawing and Colour Theory with Ralph Templesam., mars 29, 09:30Kensington Art Supply & Instruction • Calgary, ABÀ partir de 131,25 CA$Kensington Art Supply2.3k abonnésEnregistrez Drawing: Introductory Drawing and Colour Theory with Ralph Temple dans votre collection.Partagez Drawing: Introductory Drawing and Colour Theory with Ralph Temple avec vos amis.
Card Making with Sizzix® with Lisa RobertsCard Making with Sizzix® with Lisa Robertsdim., mars 30, 10:00Kensington Art Supply & Instruction • Calgary, ABÀ partir de 47,25 CA$Kensington Art Supply2.3k abonnésEnregistrez Card Making with Sizzix® with Lisa Roberts dans votre collection.Partagez Card Making with Sizzix® with Lisa Roberts avec vos amis.
Lee Valley Tools Calgary Store - Seed StartingLee Valley Tools Calgary Store - Seed Startingdim., mars 9, 14:007261 11 St SE • Calgary, ABÀ partir de 50,00 CA$Lee Valley Tools597 abonnésEnregistrez Lee Valley Tools Calgary Store - Seed Starting dans votre collection.Partagez Lee Valley Tools Calgary Store - Seed Starting avec vos amis.
DIY Fresh Flower JewerlyDIY Fresh Flower Jewerlysam., mars 8, 15:00401 Forge Rd SE • Calgary, ABÀ partir de 96,45 CA$Flower Aura by Natasha194 abonnésEnregistrez DIY Fresh Flower Jewerly dans votre collection.Partagez DIY Fresh Flower Jewerly avec vos amis.
Bienvenidos al presente: Inteligencia artificial para pequeños negocios.Bienvenidos al presente: Inteligencia artificial para pequeños negocios.sam., avr. 12, 16:00La Bodeguita Stereo • Calgary, ABGratuitEnregistrez Bienvenidos al presente: Inteligencia artificial para pequeños negocios. dans votre collection.Partagez Bienvenidos al presente: Inteligencia artificial para pequeños negocios. avec vos amis.
Peer Connect - Mental Health & Caregiver SupportPeer Connect - Mental Health & Caregiver Supportjeu., mars 20, 13:00Synaptic Spinal Cord Injury and Neuro Rehabilitation Centre • Calgary, ABGratuitSynaptic Spinal Cord Injury & Neuro Rehab21 abonnésEnregistrez Peer Connect - Mental Health & Caregiver Support dans votre collection.Partagez Peer Connect - Mental Health & Caregiver Support avec vos amis.
Children, Teens & Grief: Common Responses & How to Talk about Death & GriefChildren, Teens & Grief: Common Responses & How to Talk about Death & Griefmar., avr. 22, 18:30Children's Grief Centre - 1245 70 Ave SE • Calgary, ABGratuitHospice Calgary328 abonnésEnregistrez Children, Teens & Grief: Common Responses & How to Talk about Death & Grief dans votre collection.Partagez Children, Teens & Grief: Common Responses & How to Talk about Death & Grief avec vos amis.
Peer Connect - Relationships and Social LifePeer Connect - Relationships and Social Lifejeu., avr. 17, 13:00Synaptic Spinal Cord Injury and Neuro Rehabilitation Centre • Calgary, ABGratuitSynaptic Spinal Cord Injury & Neuro Rehab21 abonnésEnregistrez Peer Connect - Relationships and Social Life dans votre collection.Partagez Peer Connect - Relationships and Social Life avec vos amis.
SOULgasm: The LIVE! Experience - CALGARYSOULgasm: The LIVE! Experience - CALGARYlun., mars 10, 19:00Holiday Inn & Suites Calgary South - Conference Ctr, an IHG Hotel • Calgary, ABÀ partir de 86,53 CA$DAN KING23 abonnésEnregistrez SOULgasm: The LIVE! Experience - CALGARY dans votre collection.Partagez SOULgasm: The LIVE! Experience - CALGARY avec vos amis.
Multiple Juno award winner Oscar Lopez and his bandMultiple Juno award winner Oscar Lopez and his bandsam., avr. 5, 17:30La Bodeguita Stereo • Calgary, ABÀ partir de 54,58 CA$Calgary Multicultural Arts Society23 abonnésEnregistrez Multiple Juno award winner Oscar Lopez and his band dans votre collection.Partagez Multiple Juno award winner Oscar Lopez and his band avec vos amis.
Juno award winner Oscar Lopez and his bandJuno award winner Oscar Lopez and his bandven., avr. 4, 17:30La Bodeguita Stereo • Calgary, ABÀ partir de 54,58 CA$Calgary Multicultural Arts Society23 abonnésEnregistrez Juno award winner Oscar Lopez and his band dans votre collection.Partagez Juno award winner Oscar Lopez and his band avec vos amis.
Gospel Celebration 2025Gospel Celebration 2025sam., mars 15, 19:00520 60 Ave SE • Calgary, ABÀ partir de 17,31 CA$Enregistrez Gospel Celebration 2025 dans votre collection.Partagez Gospel Celebration 2025 avec vos amis.
Alberta AfternoonAlberta Afternoonven., avr. 4, 13:30McDougall United Church • Calgary, ABÀ partir de 17,31 CA$Enregistrez Alberta Afternoon dans votre collection.Partagez Alberta Afternoon avec vos amis.