Événements singles_50s Hudson, Canada
St-Gabriel-de-Brandon : Gestion des émotions, communication et lâcher-prise
Thursday at 7:30 PM
Centre sportif et culturel de Brandon / Salle Jean Coutu
St-Gabriel-de-Brandon : Gestion des émotions, communication et lâcher-prise
Thursday at 7:30 PM
Centre sportif et culturel de Brandon / Salle Jean Coutu
Unvaccinated Singles: Alternative Matchmaking - One-on-One via Skype
Wed, Mar 19, 7:00 PM
Ottawa Skype
Unvaccinated Singles: Alternative Matchmaking - One-on-One via Skype
Wed, Mar 19, 7:00 PM
Ottawa Skype
Ottawa Slow Dating - Singles 26 - 49 - Festival of the Glebe
Sat, Apr 19, 1:00 PM
Horticulture Building
Ottawa Slow Dating - Singles 26 - 49 - Festival of the Glebe
Sat, Apr 19, 1:00 PM
Horticulture Building
50th Global Conference on International Business and Marketing (GCIBM)
Fri, May 9, 1:00 PM
Carleton University
50th Global Conference on International Business and Marketing (GCIBM)
Fri, May 9, 1:00 PM
Carleton University
Dr. Leonard John Faye D.C., F.R.C.C.S.S.(Can.) Hon., FICC For more than 45
Sat, May 3, 8:00 AM
Manotick United Church
Dr. Leonard John Faye D.C., F.R.C.C.S.S.(Can.) Hon., FICC For more than 45
Sat, May 3, 8:00 AM
Manotick United Church