Événements speed dating Brantford, Canada
Conscious Speed Dating
ven. 14 mars, 18:30
Star School (Gift Shop - Esoteric Numerology - Family Constellation)
Conscious Speed Dating
ven. 14 mars, 18:30
Star School (Gift Shop - Esoteric Numerology - Family Constellation)
Professional Singles Speed-Mixer (2 groups: Ages 20's-30's & 30's-40's)
dim. 27 avr., 19:30
Gatherings Restobar
Professional Singles Speed-Mixer (2 groups: Ages 20's-30's & 30's-40's)
dim. 27 avr., 19:30
Gatherings Restobar
Because Wine Not Speed Dating 28-39 @Konzelmann Estate Winery (NOTL)
ven. 21 mars, 19:00
Konzelmann Estate Winery
Because Wine Not Speed Dating 28-39 @Konzelmann Estate Winery (NOTL)
ven. 21 mars, 19:00
Konzelmann Estate Winery
BLACK WOMEN & THE MEN WHO LOVE THEM Singles Event (Women 40+, Men all ages)
dim. 13 avr., 15:00
Gatherings Restobar
BLACK WOMEN & THE MEN WHO LOVE THEM Singles Event (Women 40+, Men all ages)
dim. 13 avr., 15:00
Gatherings Restobar
Made for Jew TO in Collaboration with Beth Tikvah's Speed dating Event!
mer. 19 mars, 19:15
Beth Tikvah Synagogue
Made for Jew TO in Collaboration with Beth Tikvah's Speed dating Event!
mer. 19 mars, 19:15
Beth Tikvah Synagogue
Toronto Dating Hub March Singles Mixer + Dating Auction on the Waterfront
vendredi prochain à 19:00
The Goodman Pub and Kitchen
Toronto Dating Hub March Singles Mixer + Dating Auction on the Waterfront
vendredi prochain à 19:00
The Goodman Pub and Kitchen
Singles, Cornhole game…make new friends AGE 40’s, 50’s & 60’s+*$10 food
mercredi prochain à 19:00
Symposium Cafe Restaurant Woodbridge
Singles, Cornhole game…make new friends AGE 40’s, 50’s & 60’s+*$10 food
mercredi prochain à 19:00
Symposium Cafe Restaurant Woodbridge