Craft shows events in Hermitage, PA
Rug Hooking 1: A Modern Twist on a Traditional Craft with Kirsten Ervin
Thu, Mar 20, 6:00 PM
Contemporary Craft - Timmons Studios
Rug Hooking 1: A Modern Twist on a Traditional Craft with Kirsten Ervin
Thu, Mar 20, 6:00 PM
Contemporary Craft - Timmons Studios
Metals 2 Series: Enameling with Katie Rearick
Tue, Mar 25, 6:00 PM
Contemporary Craft - Raphael Building
Metals 2 Series: Enameling with Katie Rearick
Tue, Mar 25, 6:00 PM
Contemporary Craft - Raphael Building
WOMEN'S BIZ CONFERENCE: Speakers, Networking, Fashion Show, Vendors, Lunch.
Sat, Mar 29, 9:00 AM
1850 Buchholzer Blvd
WOMEN'S BIZ CONFERENCE: Speakers, Networking, Fashion Show, Vendors, Lunch.
Sat, Mar 29, 9:00 AM
1850 Buchholzer Blvd
Utilizing Molds for Metal Clay Jewelry with Donna Penoyer
Thu, Apr 17, 6:00 PM
Contemporary Craft - Raphael Building
Utilizing Molds for Metal Clay Jewelry with Donna Penoyer
Thu, Apr 17, 6:00 PM
Contemporary Craft - Raphael Building